
A Great Choice for Orthodontic Treatment: Invisalign in Albuquerque

August 7, 2023

Are you ready to straighten your teeth, but dreading the thought of bulky metal braces? Look no further than Invisalign in Albuquerque! This revolutionary orthodontic treatment offers a clear and discreet alternative to traditional braces. Say goodbye to uncomfortable wires and brackets and hello to a confident smile. In this blog post, we will explore why Invisalign is a great choice for anyone seeking an effective and convenient solution for their orthodontic needs in Albuquerque. Get ready to discover the world of invisible aligners that will transform your smile without anyone even knowing it!

Introduction to Invisalign

Invisalign is a great choice for orthodontic treatment because it is virtually invisible, comfortable to wear, and removable for eating and cleaning. It is also backed by 20 years of clinical research.

Invisalign uses a series of clear, custom-made aligners that are worn over your teeth. As you replace each aligner with the next in the series, your teeth gradually move into place.

The whole process usually takes about 12 months but can vary depending on your case. And because the aligners are removable, you can eat whatever you want and brush and floss normally to keep your teeth and gums healthy during treatment.

If you’re ready to get started on your journey to a straighter smile, contact the office today to schedule a consultation.

How Invisalign Works

Invisalign is a great choice for orthodontic treatment because it is clear, comfortable, and removable. Here’s how it works:

Invisalign uses a series of clear, custom-made aligners that are virtually invisible. You wear each set of aligners for about two weeks before progressing to the next set in the series. As you replace each aligner, your teeth gradually move into place.

The entire process typically takes 9-18 months, depending on the severity of your case. And because the aligners are removable, you can eat and drink what you want during treatment! Plus, brushing and flossing are no problem. Just take out your aligners and brush and floss like normal.

If you’re ready to straighten your teeth without anyone knowing, Invisalign is the right choice for you!

Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign in Albuquerque is a great choice for orthodontic treatment. There are many benefits to Invisalign, including:

Invisalign is nearly invisible, so you can smile with confidence knowing that your treatment is barely noticeable.
Since Invisalign aligners are removable, you can continue to eat all of your favorite foods and brush and floss your teeth with ease.
Invisalign is a comfortable alternative to traditional braces, using customized clear aligners that gradually move your teeth into place.
Treatment with Invisalign is often faster than traditional braces, so you can get the smile you’ve always wanted in no time!

Treatment Time Frame for Invisalign Patients in Albuquerque

Invisalign treatment in Albuquerque generally takes about the same amount of time as traditional braces—anywhere from 9 to 15 months. However, every patient is different, and the length of treatment will depend on the severity of your case.

The Invisalign process begins with a consultation with your orthodontist. During this appointment, they will assess your teeth and bite to determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign. If you are, they will develop a personalized treatment plan just for you.

Next, you’ll receive your custom-made clear aligners. You’ll wear each set of aligners for about two weeks before moving on to the next set in the series. As you move through the series of aligners, your teeth will gradually shift into place—until they reach their final destination. Then, you’ll simply need to wear a retainer to maintain your new smile!

If you want to achieve straighter teeth without metal brackets and wires getting in the way, Invisalign might be right for you! Contact an orthodontist today to learn more about this popular treatment option.

Common Questions about Invisalign

  1. What is Invisalign?
    Invisalign is a clear, alternative to metal braces that uses a series of custom-made, virtually undetectable aligners to gradually move your teeth.
  2. How does Invisalign work?
    The Invisalign system uses a series of clear, removable aligners to move your teeth over time. The average treatment time is 12 months but can vary depending on the individual case. Each set of aligners is worn for about two weeks before being replaced by the next in the series. As you replace each aligner, your teeth will move – little by little, week by week – until they have straightened to their final position. You will visit our office approximately every six weeks to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned.
  3. Is Invisalign appropriate for adults or teenagers?
    While Invisalign can be used to treat patients of all ages, it is particularly popular among adults who are looking for an aesthetically pleasing way to straighten their teeth without metal braces. Teenagers also tend to respond well to treatment with Invisalign since the clear aligners are much less noticeable than metal braces.

For Albuquerque residents looking for clear orthodontic treatment, Invisalign is the obvious choice. Our team of specialists at Uptown Dental Associates is certified to provide our patients with the highest quality, modern Invisalign technology that can result in beautiful straight teeth and an improved bite. We make it easy to get started by providing a comprehensive consultation so you know exactly what your specific orthodontic plan will look like before committing to any treatment. Contact Uptown Dental Associates to schedule an appointment with our dentist.