
Ask Your Albuquerque Dentist: Christmas Stocking Filler Ideas

December 18, 2018
Family Dentistry

While Christmas stocking traditions can vary from one household to the next, sometimes it can feel like a challenge to fill one up. Luckily, there are a lot of stocking stuffer ideas that can be ideal for the occasion, and many of them won’t break the bank either.

If you are looking for stocking filler ideas, here are a few to get you started.

Candy and Snacks

Food is often a big part of the holiday season. However, you can choose healthier options if you want to protect your family’s teeth and overall wellbeing.

For example, consider sugar-free gum with a peppermint flavor. Small bags of nuts can be better than candy (as long as your family members don’t have braces), or you can opt for bite-sized pieces of dark chocolate over stickier candies.

If you want to include a traditional snack, consider adding an orange. However, if you prefer to make it a little sweeter, find a chocolate orange instead. If you choose one that you have to bang on a table to crack, it can add a little fun as well.

Travel-Sized Toiletries

If you want to encourage a family member to pamper themselves, consider finding travel-sized toiletries that go beyond shampoo. For example, look for small scented lotions or even single bath bombs. Men who pride themselves in maintaining their facial hair may appreciate a bottle of beard oil or balm.

For kids, consider some fun bubble bath. Flavored lip balms can also be wonderful additions, especially if the winter air hasn’t been kind to everyone’s lips.

Small Toys and Games

A stocking can be the perfect home for some small toys and games. For example, a yo-yo or a deck of cards should fit with ease, and some travel games can squeeze in too (especially if you remove the original packaging).

Crayons, markers, and colored pencils would be another great option, especially if you intended to give a coloring book as a gift. Kids may also enjoy stickers or stamps and inks, so consider finding some featuring their favorite images and give them a small notepad to use them.

Dental Care Items

During the holiday season, sweets are everywhere. If you want to support your family’s oral health, consider adding a new toothbrush, floss, or other items to their stockings.

All of the ideas above can make filling up a stocking easier than ever before, so don’t be afraid to try a few until you have each one filled to the brim. Happy holidays!