
Gummy Smile Correction: Causes And Treatment

April 5, 2023
Dental Health

Smiling is contagious and can instantly brighten up someone’s day. But what happens when your smile reveals more than just your teeth? If you’re self-conscious about showing too much of your gums, don’t worry – you’re not alone. A gummy smile affects many people and can be caused by a variety of factors. In this blog post, we’ll explore the causes behind a gummy smile and discuss effective treatment options to help you achieve the confident grin you deserve!

What is a Gummy Smile?

A gummy smile is a condition where too much gum tissue shows when you smile. This can happen if your upper lip is short or if you have an overgrowth of gum tissue. A gummy smile can make your teeth look less white and can make you self-conscious about smiling.

Gluck Orthodontics

There are a few different ways to correct a gummy smile. Your dentist can use a laser to remove excess gum tissue. You may also need to have braces or other dental work done to move your teeth into the correct position.
If you are self-conscious about your gummy smile, talk to your dentist about treatment options. With the right treatment, you can achieve a beautiful, confident smile that you’ll be proud to show off!

Causes of a Gummy Smile

There are many different possible causes of a gummy smile. In some cases, it may be due to the positioning of the teeth or jaw. In other cases, it may be caused by an overgrowth of gum tissue. Additionally, certain medical conditions can cause a gummy smile. Some common causes of a gummy smile include:

Teeth that are positioned too far forward in the mouth
Jaw that is positioned too far forward
Overgrowth of gum tissue
Abnormalities in the tooth root
Conditions that cause an increase in saliva production

Treatment For a Gummy Smile

A gummy smile is a condition where your upper lip appears to be too large for the size of your teeth. This can occur due to several reasons, including genetics, misaligned teeth, or excess gum tissue. While a gummy smile may not be a medical concern, it can be aesthetically displeasing. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your gummy smile, there are treatments available to help correct the problem.

In some cases, treatment for a gummy smile may simply involve having your teeth professionally cleaned and whitened. This can help to make your teeth appear larger and more proportionate to your lips. If your teeth are misaligned, braces or other orthodontic treatments can be used to straighten them out. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove excess gum tissue or reposition the bones in your mouth.

If you’re considering treatment for a gummy smile, consult with a cosmetic dentist or oral surgeon to discuss all of your options. They’ll be able to determine which type of treatment is best for you based on the severity of your condition and your aesthetic goals.

How to Prevent a Gummy Smile

A gummy smile is a common problem that can be caused by several factors. While some people are born with a gummy smile, it can also be the result of an overgrowth of the gum tissue, teeth that are too short, or a misaligned jaw.

There are several ways to prevent a gummy smile, including:

Avoid hard and sticky foods that can trigger an overgrowth of gum tissue.

Brushing and flossing regularly to keep the gum tissue healthy.

Wearing braces or other dental appliances to correct any misalignments.

Undergoing surgery to remove excess gum tissue.


Gummy smile correction is a common and safe procedure that can help to reduce the amount of gum tissue seen when you smile. This procedure uses lasers, Botox injections or surgery depending on your needs. It’s important to speak with your doctor about any underlying causes for your gummy smile, as well as the available treatments and what might be best for you. With careful consideration and guidance from your healthcare provider, a gummy smile correction may be the answer you need to get that perfect smile!