Dentist in Albuquerque

How Often Should You See Your Dentist?

October 1, 2021
Dental Care

Seeing a dentist is important for the health of your teeth and gums, but you may wonder, exactly how often should you see your dentist? And how do you know when you need to? Here’s what you need to know about exams, cleanings, and emergency visits so you can be sure that you are always doing the very best for your dental health.

Exams and Cleanings

Let’s start with the basics: How often should you see your dentist for an exam or professional cleaning? Dentists typically recommend that you get both an exam and cleaning done every 6 months if you’re healthy and practice good oral hygiene at home.

How often should you see your dentist if you have a history of gum disease or other health conditions? Many health conditions can increase the risks for your dental health, too, so in some cases, your dentist may recommend that you visit a little more often, sometimes every 3-4 months, to help maintain your dental health and prevent the progression of gum disease or further complications.

It’s important to get an exam done by a dentist to thoroughly assess your dental health and talk with your dentist about the frequency of visits that would best meet your needs.

Emergencies Happen!

Unfortunately, emergencies happen to the best of us, and when they do, it’s important to know how urgent it is to see a dentist. If you experience a chipped, broken, cracked, damaged, or knocked out tooth, or any dental discomfort, you should call your dentist immediately and let them know what’s going on. If it’s very urgent, they may try to schedule a same-day or after-hours appointment to ensure that you get the help that you need.

It’s always important to get treatment as soon as possible for anything that can compromise the health of your teeth to ensure the best possible outcome and reduce your chances of infection, complications, or tooth loss. When you call your dentist, they’ll be able to assess the situation and tell you your next steps as well as help you manage any discomfort until they can see you.

Your Next Appointment

Now is always the perfect time to schedule your next appointment with your dentist. Life can get busy and it can be easy to let 6 months slip by, then a year, or more, but scheduling in advance and making dental appointments a priority can go a long way towards catching issues before they can start and keeping your smile at its brightest and best. Contact Uptown Dental Associates to schedule an appointment with our dentist